Week 1 - Self Command
- PQ is about getting to the roots
- Just like all colours are made of red, green, yellow. At the root of EQ, soft skills, managing conflict
Goal is to weaken sabatuers and enable sages.
- 10 negative factors (saboteurs)
- Avoider
- Controller
- Judge
- Stickler
- Victim
- Restless
- Brainstem
- Limbic system
- Parts of left side of brain
- CAUSE negative emotions (fear, stress, shame, unhappiness)
- Limit success and happiness
Based on Fear
Motivates your through fear, stress, anfer, guilt, shame, insecurity.
Might generate success but not happiness.
- 5 positive factors (sages)
- Emphastise
- Explore
- Innovate
- Navigate
- Activate
- Middle prefrontal cortex
- Empathy circuitry
- Parts of right brain
Based on Love
Motivates you through positive emotions. Like empathy, curiosity, passion, and purpose.
SAGE divided by Sabateurs = Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ)
Why improve PQ
- Teams perform better
- Happier
- More creative
This determines
- How happy you are
- How well you perform against your potential (success)
3 Core Mental Muscles of Mental Fitness